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Murshida Carol Weyland Conner
Aug 27, 20223 min read
Upheavals in the Workplace
Unknown to men the social revolution prepares itself, and it is not in the direction they think, for it embraces the world. – Sri...

Murshida Carol Weyland Conner
Jun 24, 20222 min read
The Divine Art of Cheerfulness
A snowy egret in Myrtle Beach “Life is so beautiful. It is meant to be happy.” —Meher Baba, 1934 Dear Companions, When I arrived in...

Murshida Carol Weyland Conner
Aug 27, 20223 min read
Upheavals in the Workplace
Unknown to men the social revolution prepares itself, and it is not in the direction they think, for it embraces the world. – Sri...

Murshida Carol Weyland Conner
Jun 24, 20222 min read
The Divine Art of Cheerfulness
A snowy egret in Myrtle Beach “Life is so beautiful. It is meant to be happy.” —Meher Baba, 1934 Dear Companions, When I arrived in...

Upheavals in the Workplace
Unknown to men the social revolution prepares itself, and it is not in the direction they think, for it embraces the world. – Sri...

The Divine Art of Cheerfulness
A snowy egret in Myrtle Beach “Life is so beautiful. It is meant to be happy.” —Meher Baba, 1934 Dear Companions, When I arrived in...

Meher Baba’s Work in America – The War of Independence
In 2007-8 Murshida Conner developed a curriculum for her students related to Meher Baba's work in America. As this program on the...

A Spiritual Perspective on Democracy and Dictatorship
According to several recent polls, an increasing majority of Americans believe that our democratic form of government is “in danger of...

A Miraculous New World Taking Birth – Part II
Two years ago, on the eve of the first pandemic lockdown, I said, “God has at His fingertips many means for changing the outer shell of...

A Miraculous New World Taking Birth – Part I
Meher Baba said more than once that the illusory world around us is nothing more than a bubble – “so easy to prick”, he said. He told the...

Riding the Wave of Universal Transformation
Dear Companions, Three-quarters of the western United States is now facing the most extensive severe drought in its recorded history; its...

Chaos and Confusion
February 4, 2021 As tumultuous illusory dramas of the outer world come and go with increasing frequency, I would like to pass on several...

Celebrating In Gratitude
November 26, 2020 In this signal year of 2020, we join our American family in the traditional national holiday of Thanksgiving to...

“Love Does Not Stay Idle”
June 4, 2020 Catherine of Siena, one of the four “real saints” of the West identified by Meher Baba, was born in 1347, the year the...

“Sweeping the Plague Away”
May 21, 2020 Duality implies separateness. Separateness causes fear. Fear makes worry. I alone am Real and my will governs the cosmic...

Best Practices and Sai Baba
May 14, 2020 The term “best practices” is used in many fields, including health care, to identify activities or strategies that have...

Universal Cleansing
May 7, 2020 It is not by chance that the current pandemic has brought forward a heightened attention to cleanliness, hygiene and care for...

Murshida Carol Weyland Conner addresses the Corona Virus Pandemic
April 30, 2020 The current pandemic that has so suddenly and swiftly upended human life all over the world is a stunning illustration of...

Understanding the Onslaught of Recent World Events
February 6, 2020 The Sybil’s final song concludes at last; The great Cycle of the ages begins anew. Justice now returns, and Order...
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